Wednesday, January 07, 2009


New point of view....

I've been doing some deep cleaning this last week. In my house, in my soul, and in my mind. Letting go of all those things that seem to pile up. Finding new ways to organize the insanity and find happiness and peace in the chaos. I have to say my house looks G-R-E-A-T! Jay and I have deep cleaned almost every nook and cranny. It feels good. It's also felt great to have him working right beside me. I couldn't help but feel the shift in him as 2008 wrapped up. He went from striving to be like his super driven bosses, to focusing on our family more. He attended Church with me twice in December. He's asking me about our plans to Home School...oh yes, God is working on him, and there has been a shift. So as we were cleaning out drawers I couldn't help but glance at him and smile because he's clueless to how much this heavy blanket of prayers I have him wrapped in is ACTUALLY warming him up to things...I'm giving 2009 up to our Savior as my steadfast praying wife year. I am claiming His grace for my husband that we may serve Him together by this years end.

On my SIL Leah's blog she wrote down something she herd at a party.

"Everyone keeps saying Happy New Year. It's only a NEW year if we change ourselves and the things that we do. Otherwise, it'll be the same year."

I know this is going to be a great NEW year for me and my house. I have many little things I want to adjust and fine tune, but I only made one New Years resolution: to manage my time better. I loose so much time. I want to be better. A better mom, wife, friend, but most of all servant.

If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.
- Philippians 2:1-4 (the message)

I want to serve. My sweet Savior, my family, and my friends. I want to really feel like doing the dishes is a blessing I can give my family. I want to send birthday cards and letters. I want to start my day on my knees in thanks to the God who gives AND takes away. I want to end my day the same way. I want to focus my time on what matters most my "Big Rocks". I keep hearing that same sentiment, and I know it's Gods message to me this year.

A few of my other goals are:

To start reading the Bible in chronological order
To learn all I can about Home Schooling
To get back in shape, and maybe loose a few pounds.
To spend more focused time with Jay
To set up running dates with each of my Big Rocks so I see them more

..there are more....but I think that's a good start....

I was ready for a deep cleaning. The new year just gave me a good starting point... the rest is truly in our Fathers Hands.

(BTW Thanks for sharing that blog with us Joan. She is a gifted writer and an amazing Christian. If you didn't click the link earlier you should check out Holy Experience now )


wedogmomma said...

I'm blessed by your assurance!
What a gift to be resting in the arms of our Daddy....plowing ahead full force to GET THINGS DONE!
I'm Totally jazzed whatching God work in your stay on your knees love, your resolve is firm, that sets you up as a target for the enemy....Father God protect the hearts and minds of this family....moment by moment, piece by peace as they seek you.
Praise you God for new beginnings!

Maritez said...

I love your decision to be that wife that covers her husband in prayer. It is SO important....our hubbies need it SO much! What a blessing to have him beside you at church and to see a change of heart...I know how much joy things that may seem so small to others, but are really HUGE to you, can bring.

Keep praying friend...just as you encouraged me, God is faithful...your prayers will not go unanswered...keep your eyes focused on Him!

Joan said...

Another testimony to how GREAT a GOD we serve! Thanks for sharing. Will keep praying for you and your fam. I'm excited about what God has in-store for all of us! :)