Thursday, January 08, 2009

Read your Bible, Pray everyday...

Do you remember that Sunday school song that went:

Read your Bible, pray everyday, pray everyday, pray everyday
Read your Bible, pray everyday and you'll grow grow grow.....

We I'm great about the pray everyday thing. I pray everyday all day... Gods my true BFF so I'm never lonely.

I'm having a hard time finding a quiet moment to focus, meditate and dwell in the Word. I lost my CBS booklet so I haven't been able to do that. I'm trying to read the Bible in chronological order but so far I've only read Chapter 1 of Genesis. I wish I was a morning person, but even if I were; I still don't think I'd beat Abby up. The girls biological clock is set for the 5 o'clock hour rain, or shine. I try and do it during their nap times but the girls are on off schedules right now. Nights are good but I can't seem to focus. So I thought before I set out to tidy the house tonight I'd pick your brains ....I'm trying to grow, grow grow over here so help a sister out.......when do you read your Bibles?


wedogmomma said...

Mmmmm.....what a great question....first you have to remember that this time Will pass...I was there just a couple short years ago! It's like dieting on the only get morsels so you have to make them count.
You might consider printing out scripture and taping it in places where you know you'll stand/sit each day....the window in front of the sink (I can't remember is there is one there...) on the wall in front of the toilet?...ahem.
the printing out is an extra step, but worth it!
I was always advised to keep my bible open on the counter....that way whenever I walked by I could stop and it would be open and ready for me.
It's all about the access. You may not get a comfy half hour on the couch to snuggle with your Bible...this time in your life maybe more like fast food-reading on the run, but God will honor your efforts and you'll be surprised at what sticks.
Currently, if I don't read at night before bed, or right when I wake up I bring the Bible with me into the bathroom while I blow dry my hair. That's a guaranteed 10-15 minutes I can glance down and the white noise gives me some 'quiet'
I'm praying for you....Your eagerness is SO exciting....God's answer to your heart's desire will be SO rich! I can't wait!

Maritez said...

I was going to say something the bathroom while brushing your teeth & getting ready (right now its the only time I get when the kids are up) or I'll do it while they nap. Sometimes I will sit while they are taking a bath...I can see them but they usually play with each other so I have a few minutes before I need to soap them up.

But I do love the idea of having scripture hanging on your mirror...I have done that with verses I have wanted to memorize and it helps. But Nikki said it best, God will honor your efforts and you won't believe how much will stick. Right now we only get nuggets of time to ourself...we have to squeeze it in whenever & however we can :D