Monday, March 29, 2010


holy experience

.... the weeks I've missed blogging and spent living,
and for remembering my need of connection and reflection

For cute tummies,
and amazing soul feeding Christ centered friendships

For a husbands devotion, tender unsure prayers and love,
and wall crashing big dreams; for a Lord who can make it all possible

For children who come, with eyes filled with tears seeking prayer,
and the gift of spending each day with the 3 most amazing people I know

For weeks of sunshine,
and days of rest

For hindering them not at the foot of the Cross,
and remembering the week that changed EVERYTHING,

For a gift so amazing it brings me to my knees and my soul to my Father,
and soul tears shed for the Mother that watched MY savior, her baby be crucified

For quiet, big prayer closet filled moments,
and broken lives made new.

For a family that's been changed,
and Grace that's new each morning.

For You oh Lord I am Grateful, because of You I am blessed.


Joan said...

Beautiful and inspiring!

Alida Sharp said...

very inspirational...thank you!