Monday, December 15, 2008

Let me start this post by lifting my hands and saying


Man, He amazes me. Even when I'm a bratty kid, He shows me His love in such amazing ways that I can only stop, bow my head and thank Him. After my last so sad post you are probably wondering where this 360 came from because let's be honest people I was having a horrible case of the doubts. Not of His mercy, grace, or forgiveness- never that, I was just really questioning why His idea of sustaining me and mine were not lining up. I didn't feel like I was asking for too much, but I never knew that he was working on something so much better for me. How could I? He alone knows his plans for us. This was a great lesson of faith and trust for me.

Oh by now I've got you in such suspense hu?? Shall I share my mini miracles with you?

#1: After my umpteenth breakdown over my apparel the hubby and I decided we'd check out a thrift shop, maybe they'd have something, what could it hurt right? Well it was half off day!!!!! I got a trench coat, 2 pairs of Jeans, cargo pants, and 5 shirts.....drum roll please............for $28!! I so needed that, God is good.

#2 On Sunday night we went to the Little Lights Preschool Christmas Pageant. Ok, well we tried to make it to the pageant but we got there right after the performance was done. I was so bummed that we missed the show, but luckily they had a reception afterword so we hadn't made the drive for naught. We stayed and chatted with the home school parents and their families. It was great. The miracle of it all was Jay though. He usually gets a little uncomfortable in those situations when he doesn't know anyone too well. Not last night though! He had a great time, never once asking me when we were leaving! He and Will were talking like they were old friends. It was fun to watch my husband surrounded with Christian men he could relate too. Thank you God for answered prayers.

and last but most certainly not least mini- miracle #3:

I wasn't feeling well this morning when Jay left, mornings are tough for us and by the time He left we were not talking very nicely to each other. He called me around Mid-day to apologize. That in it's self was so sweet, but as we were chatting he dropped an amazing bombshell on me. He told me that if I had the confidence that I could handle all three kids, and homeschooling he'd stand behind me on it. Did you read that ladies and gents? JAY IS UP FOR US HOMESCHOOLING!!!!!!!!! I think seeing all the wonderful normal home schoolers Sunday really helped.This has been so heavy on my heart, and in my prayers. He was so against it, yet my heart whispered to me to keep praying, and pray I did. Look how Mighty our God is. It's not finalized by any means but it's a huge step.

God is working on my husbands heart and I don't think he even realizes it. It's amazing. So once again I lift my hands and say

What a might God we serve.


wedogmomma said...

....cue me to shut my mouth!
Those were my reactions!....did I say that I'm teary-eyed for you!??!
Oh, girl, you're in for it now...we're initiating you HARDCORE ;)
What a HUGE, GINORMOUS BEAUTIFUL answer to pray! Even if you decided not to...just to know that all these miracles are! I'm so in love with God for His graciousness!
Thanks for sharing! I feel privy to a huge secret in your life....a secret that will blossom into MUCH public fruit :D
Love you and yours!!

Maritez said...

I want to jump up and down for you!!! I am so happy for you & Jay, to be united in this decision...that is SO huge. God is SO GOOD!

And I am so glad that you guys came out on Sunday, it was such a blessing for ME too to see Wil & your hubby chatting it up....and of course, to get to see YOU and your beautiful babies. Can't wait till we do it all again :D

Anonymous said...

Hi MommaDesiree,

I found your blog through Maritez's blog. I've enjoyed your blog so much.

There was a part from your Christmas dinner/party blog that I am posting on my blog dedicated to encouraging woman to 'go gray' if that is where their heart is. I loved the scripture in Isaiah, and I have not heard that one before!!!
And, the other part that you wrote after that scripture reference. I invite you to see it on my blog:
I am referencing you and your blog, as I will be quoting you.

Also, if you all are thinking about homeschooling, you may want to look up a group called, "Smoothing the Way" on Google. I believe the site is It is a phenomenal way to get 'beginner' information and lots of encouragement. Also, have you heard of Raising Godly Tomatoes?
It has an excellent messege board. You have to join and know someone as a reference to join. You can use my name if you'd like:
Melissa Doddridge

Welcome to the home schooling life,

Anonymous said...

Please feel free to visit my only other blog at:, as I quoted you there, as well.

Happy Holydays,