there by you, if first I may enjoy your company for awhile.
-Romans 15:24
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I decided here was as good as any of my other blogs, after all these 3 women are my sisters in Christ. I love how our Daddy works. I know I posted about my blog friends and the constant support and encouragement I've been receiving from them awhile back, but that post didn't even come close to explaining the natural chemistry we had this afternoon when Joan, Nikki, Maritez and I got together for lunch. I've known Joan for what seems like eons now and I met Nikki awhile back through Joan. You see today was THE very first time I ever met Maritez out side of our little Bloggerdom, I was so excited, and a little nervous. I really wanted us to hit it off and become real life friends. I know that might sound silly but I know a lot of people who got on great with people over the Internet but not so much in person. Anyways, it was AWESOME!!!! I adore her. She's so personable, funny, and we are like minded. I love how God works!
I think everyone in the restaurant thought we were nuts but we didn't care. I loved how real it all was. Four God lovin' mommies sitting around having a non stop convo on everything from how we met our hubbies, to our faith, to panties, boobs, and noses laughing our heads off the whole time. I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard. I loved that it really felt like we've all been friends for years. They are truly my sisters and I'm so grateful that God gave us today. I needed a little mommy soul food.
I need to have our next luncheon on the schedule like now, so I have somethings wonderful to look forward to on my not so good days. Hows the 3rd Wednesday next month sound ladies?
1 comment:
The feeling is mutual, friend :) I think we make a great group. I had a blast...so ready to get together again...maybe with kids next time. I think Jonah & Abby might get along very well ;D
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