Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's so funny how right when you are feeling your fullest, you can be drained in an instant. Ok well maybe not an instant but you get the drift. I've had a spiritually dry week. I just haven't felt motivated to get down into the word. I've been holding onto some of my issues; being stubborn, frustrated and mad. I feel like I've been on edge as a mommy, I've just felt so drained.

The sad thing is I know how to feel full. I know if I go to my Daddy, and spend some time giving Him praise for my storms, crying on His shoulders, and seeking His word diligently, and relentlessly daily I feel fan-freaking-tastic. But, still this week I have struggled. I'm shaking my head as I write this because I'm so sad that I felt like I just didn't have time to sort out time with God....what a child. I just have to raise my hands in praise that I am HIS child. So in times like these I know He will still love and forgive me when I finally get it right.

I did BTW, get it right I mean. Tonight I got down in it with Him. Mind you, it was reluctantly at first. I have a dirty house, children to wrangle, a husband to connect with and uplift, Christmas presents to make, the list could go on but you get the point. these have been my excuses for putting the most important thing in my life last all week. In the spirit of honesty I will also admit that I went to his word mainly because tomorrow is CBS and even though I had two weeks to finish one lesson I was behind. To the word I went though, and as always my Daddy spoke to me. Again, I found Him holding my hands and telling me to let go and trust Him. Trust His blessings as truth, Seek His will, and lean on Him to provide. I love this verse:

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
1 John 5:14–15

I also found great Truth in this Max Lucado excerpt that was at the end of this weeks study:

Deprive your soul of spiritual water, and your soul will tell you. Dehydrated hearts send desperate messages. Snarling tempers. Waves of worry. Growling mastodons of guilt and fear. You think God wants you to live with these? Hopelessness. Sleeplessness. Loneliness. Resentment. Irritability. Insecurity. These are warnings. Symptoms of a dryness deep within.

That's from his book Come Thirsty. I think I may need to pick that one up this week, and add it to the rotation. I don't like feeling empty. (I'm sure my kids and husband would like a fuller me by now too)

On a high note though I'm really looking forward to both CBS and lunch with my blog sisters tomorrow!!! YIPPEE! I'm sure that will help refresh me.


wedogmomma said...

oooo that was convicting...
so I'll stop here...say see you tomorrow and go do MY CBS study ;)
love ya

Jenn ~N~ Jae said...

You know Des as I read your inspiring blogs, it makes me wonder how do you and Ro keep your faith up. I believe in him and I am thankful to him and I honestly love him for everything he has done for me and everyone else, but like you I sometimes lose track of him too. I don't go to chruch all the time and I don't pray all the time either. I use to think that as long as you believe in him and love him, that is all that matters. Now as I read your blogs it makes me think am I truely devoted to him. Does that make me a bad person. I usually talk to Ro about this stuff at work? I love your devotion to him and I want to show the same but I am easily side tracked. You and Ro really inspire me.