Sunday, December 28, 2008

....I've been meaning to post on Christmas for the last few weeks, but I guess God had other plans hu?

I have a deeply rooted love of December, and all things Christmas related. I love the feeling I get when December first rolls around. I start counting the days to my birthday...tick tock.....then on the 7th (my actual birthday) we ring in Christmas with all the bells and whistles tree trimming brings. By now you all get the point that I'm a fool for a good no pressure tradition. I love the little easy traditions. They make me feel grounded, and focused. One of my favorites is Christmas stories. Every year I buy a new Christmas book, and we gather each night until Christmas and read together. It's very sweet, an exhale moment of sorts for me. Just me and my family wrapped up warm and snug,'s perfect. We start the season of course by picking up the Good Book and reading THE Christmas story.

Man, every year something new strikes me as amazing. This year due to my CBS study I was completely entranced by the Lowly and lofty bloodline our sweet savior was born into. Our sweet Jesus was born into Abraham's family, and Davids family that we all know. But through studying Kings and being blessed with an awesome core group I learned of Rahab. You can read her story in Joshua 2. The short of it is that she was a foreign prostitute, who against all odd chose to follow Gods plan, and was blessed. This lowly fore-mother of our sweet Jesus kept creeping into mind while reading this year. She taught me once again that the awesome God we serve loves us ALL. He pays no heed to our outward appearance, or background because what He seeks is our hearts. She could have never known what God had planned for her when she made the choice to BELIEVE in our Lord, and betray her own people in His service..but He did. Because of her faith, she was blessed. She is one of only 5 women listed in Jesus' bloodline....a gentile, a sinner, and a God is a loving, thoughtful, and good God......

But back on my couch we marveled at his humble birth, and enjoyed our nights of reading of Him, and all things Christmas. Another Great story is The Small One this link has the story but no illustrations. If you're interest I could loan it to you because it really is a wonderful perspective.

If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation. Old things have passed away. Behold, all thing have become new. -2 Cor. 5:17

As we head into this new year I hope you all will remember that like Rahab, and Small One our old selves have been wash away. By His gift of life we are made anew. No matter what the past has held....2009 has a new hope if we seek Him for deliverance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog truly resonates in my Spirit. Today, as I read, "She taught me once again that the awesome God we serve loves us ALL. He pays no heed to our outward appearance, or background because what He seeks is our hearts." I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me, and I shivered. I LOVE our God that loves us NO MATTER WHAT! Truly, He looks past our junk, and sees the true treasure within. All praise goes to King Jesus! :D
Have you all ever seen Max Lucado's 'You Are Special' video?
It has a timeless, AMAZING messege. It was made for children, but it spoke volumes to me. Reminds me of what you were saying about the said book in your blog. It comes as a picture book, board book, and VHS/DVD. It is one of my all-time favorites.
Thanks for sharing your heart!!!
Bee blessed, my friend! :D
