How many times have I said I was broke, flat can even buy gas broke?
How many times have my eyes glazed over, as I held gratitude captive and invited envy in, and sat down to a too full plate with greed?
How often have I missed the blessing of Just Enough?
More times then I can count money has run tight, the fridge and the cupboards so stark they look more like a cavern of white, and for a moment I forget to breath.
Oh, I've had to lean heavy on the bounty of just enough.
Like a parade, one roasted chicken stretches into 3 meals. I find fresh air, and inhale. Children giggle; happy and content with what they find here- both tangible and not, and my God promising....I will provide.....I will bless......with the bounty and over abundance of Just Enough. I can see the fullness here. In this moment there is bounty.
He promises this to me as an unseen blessing, as a love offering because He, my maker knows.....too much makes my eyes wavier, makes my stomach hunger for things untasted, makes my wits and soul song dim. When I am full by the worlds standards I forget the blessing of breath, I forget that I'm always going to be uncomfortable here, because this world is not my home. I stop longing for home.
I forget my need of HIM,
I forget my thanksgiving,
I forget the mini-miracles,

the MANY gifts:
21. sunlight bent through rounded glass
22. perspective, and watching it shift towards Grace....fullness....
23. children hiking a snow topped mountain
24. chubby toes, small brightly colored nails
25. seeing that just enough is a keep your eyes on ME love offering, not a withholding.
...Just enough.....
To see grace, to be filled, to be free.
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