Monday, February 23, 2009

M &M's and Other treats....

Last week was a mixed bag for me.

I did manage to memorize Hebrews 10:23-25, but my plan for nightly meditation was a complete flop. I kept falling asleep on the couch fully exhausted from taking care of sick babies, and trying to keep my household together. I figure God will honor my efforts, AND I must have thought about it enough to memorize that kinda counts right????

Oh Bother....No more excuses.....

What I did glean from my brief meditation in it was great. I realized that these verses are almost like my personal mission statement. This is the believer I want to be all the time.

I want to hold on to my God TIGHTLY without wavering, trusting Him alone. The power of that thought is huge for me. I often struggle with fully trusting Him. I know He will protect, love, shelter, and provide for me... I know that because he promised it. But, I often find myself trying to figure it out on my own. This week it dawned on me that every time I seek MY understanding it's like I'm wavering.
I kept picturing Abby walking on the side walk near the road.She keeps looking cross-ways towards me (almost daring me), then testing her boundaries she steps into the road. Luckily, I see what she can not and I grab her as a car flies past. Two things happen. First, I am so grateful I could save her. She's more precious to me then any worldly possession. Then, I feel her squeeze a little tighter, and I hope that this time she's learned her lesson. The way I am about my kids- it's how Our Daddy is about us. What He would give for us to just trust Him and reach for His hand, and not blindly seek our own way. Yet, He's so good that even when we do waver and step into danger He is there to sweep us up. I need to reach for Him, and not let go before even taking one step...He will keep his promises.

I want to encourage and motivate my fellow believers. I want to show my faith in all aspects of my life by showing kindness and love. I want to gather my village (much more then I do now). I don't want to wait for the right moment, or a clean house, or whatever any more. I want to do these things without thought. I want it to flow naturally from me so that others will see that the Grace of God does set you free. I want to share my faith by example because sometimes people only respond to a whisper. I know the day of His return is drawing near and I really want to see everyone I love at His side.

So yes, even in my fast food meditation He called to me. This is the believer I want to be.

This weeks M&M verse is:

Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed!
-Philippians 2:14 (MSG)

... as for those other tasty treats....

For those of you that don't follow my other blog I'd like to share a praise report. We WILL be homeschooling next year. Just today my Hubby asked what our school name is going to be so he can think about a logo. He's behind me 100% now in this endeavor, and that's all God work for you. If you'd like to track our home school journey you can find it here: Rough Draft.

Also please continue to keep Jay in your prayers.God is working mightily through them (he is starting to work on seeking his personal truth and relationship with God), yet there are always those days that discouragement seeps into my thoughts.

Thank you for your prayers, and know that each and everyday I am praying for you. Please don't ever hesitate to let me know how I can specifically pray for you, I fully believe there is an extra oomph in the specifics!

1 comment:

wedogmomma said...

We're all there right with ya lovie...
I adore how God speaks to you through your little cross-eyed wonder!
Please know that you are ALL that encouraging to me..and even more!
I don't think I have half as much faith most of the time...then I rest for a moment...on your blogcouch, as it were ;)....
and I get a little cozy with the thought that others are walking the same road! He's working through you dear...NO DOUBT!