The last week I've been getting up at (gasp) 6 am. Now I know for most people this is a mundane event, but for me it was like God moving a mountain. I have always hated mornings. My favorite animal is an owl...need I say more?
Well for the past few days I have been feeling like 6 just isn't early enough, but the thought of anything earlier was just too overwhelming to me. I kept trying to head talk my way into sleeping more. I kept ignoring the earlier alarm clock. So yesterday I prayed for his guidance on the issue. I needed His affirmation, after all getting up at 6 had assured I get my day started in Him and His word. I just had a few other things I wanted to check off my day before things got to awake and hectic around here. Well this morning God showed me His sense of humor.
...I wake up to a sweet baby screaming bloody murder. I go to her and see tears streaming down her sweet chunky cheeks. She has just started doing two things. Sleeping completely through the night (can I get an amen), and refusing to nurse. See normally I'd cradle her in my arms and nurse her; lulling us both back to sleep. Now I have to warm a bottle, prepare it, feed her, wash the bottle, and finally pump to refill my stash... whew! It's a lot of work. Would you like to know what time this all occurred? 5 am..... Oh yes, he does answer prayers with a sense of humor. By 5:15 she was blissfully back asleep. I put on a pot of coffee, pumped and prayed.
By the time I finished my CBS study for today I was fully awake with a case of the giggles.
God has taken this night owl and made an early bird. You know the saying the early bird gets the worm? Well my worms are bits of assurances, and knowledge. Fuel for my day. Things I wouldn't be able to focus on in the busy hustle and bustle of raising a family.. an inner peace that I can greet my family with when they wake up. I am a better woman, wife and mother when I can start my day grounded in the word- praying for His hand to guide me, and His presence to be known.
I thought this weeks CBS verse was funny too. Not in a real haha way but in that God is so good way. It's psalms 86:15
But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
That's what I want for my life. I want to be that parent too. I just finished reading Love and Logic the early years ( I have been practicing the L&L parenting style for some time now) and it made me laugh when I realized God uses the L&L technique with us!
What a fun way to start my morning....laughing with my Savior, I think today can only get better from here.
Gotta love those LOL moments :) I know when Jonah weaned himself, I also kept pumping for 2 more months, and I'd be up at 5 AM sharp to warm his bottle, then pump. I definitely was most productive those days...funny how times that we think are crazy with a little one can be our most productive. I love how God gently pulls us out of bed, or wherever, so that we can be with Him. I want your discipline, I am craving that right now! Praise God that you are holding to your resolve. :D
you're amazing! i miss you!
What a gift these kids are....even when we feel like we're being 'tested' through them!
I'm blessed by your on lovie....He's molding you into a NEW vessel....for even greater uses! How cool!
Okay, I am officially freaking out now!!! This week, I had that "gotta wake up early" mountain moving experience; and it was THE BEST DAY!!! I had went to bed at 9:30 and woke up at 6:15. I didn't fight it or talk myself into sleeping more, and it was so amazing. I thought pretty much WORD FOR WORD what you said, about God changing this girl from a night owl to an early bird!!! And, I, too, thought about how the 'early bird gets the worm'. They ARE the wonderful things that you listed and more, right?! I only woke up one day early this week; but I wanna do it every day.
It IS Him moving a mountain. I just read your blog entry amazed that I have a sister in Him that is sooooooooo right where I am at in this. I love HIM so much for always letting us know that we're NEVER alone!
About the "My Husband Rocks", please use it, too! I found it on someone elses site. If you'll look at my entry from Jan. 16, 2009, you'll see all of the references. A husband and wife company that makes cool tees, I think started the whole idea. You gotta look up that entry. It'll take you to their awesome, God-honoring, marriage-honoring site.
They have tees that say, "My husband ROCKS", My wife ROCKS, and MY MOMMY ROCKS (DADDY'S RIGHT). Totally awesome messege to send in this day and age!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy that you're going to be attending the home school class. Did I tell you about, It's really good. There are so many good ones, but I know personally that this one is.
So happy to be your blog sister/friend!
Love you,
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