Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving \Thanks"giv'ing\, noun

1. The act of rending thanks, or expressing gratitude for favors or mercies.

Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.
--1 Tim. iv. 4.

I love that definition. I love how smoothly it translates into life. I love that the secular website I "borrowed" it from included that Bible verse too. I love that when I logged on tonight to write about my thankfulness and gratitude I was greeted by a very similar blog update by a dear friend. I love true honest thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong I'm all for the lovely, yummy turkey spreads. But, if you get down to the nitty gritty it's truly about so much more then a day. It's really a way of life. Are you living with a spirit of thanksgiving? Not just in good times, but in those really ugly dark times too? I know that's what I strive for.
I want to start and end my days in thanksgiving to my sweet Savior, for He paid my bill up front, before seeing the menu, before I even knew of Him, no questions asked- I have even been known to order an expensive bottle of wine or two along the way. He didn't care. He paid for it all. he gave His life that I may even after all these years that still gives me goosebumps and warms my soul.
So tonight as I sit here typing I'm so thankful that my debt was paid. That God made the sacrifice I never could have and gave His Son. I'm thankful He took the mess I was, forgave and renewed me, and continues to do so to this day. I'm sooooOOOooo grateful he chose to bless me with my 3 beautiful children, my loving husband, all of my friends, and fellow believers. Lately I've been struggling to really truly give it all to Him, yet when I do I'm so thankful that he forgives my short comings and provides anyways.
So tomorrow may your plates and hearts be full as you dwell in all you are thankful for with the ones you love. Happy Thanksgiving, or Giving Thanks Happily, for you my friends.


wedogmomma said...

I'm thankful that Dec. 3rd is such a fast approaching treat!
Thank you for the perspective!

Joan said...

I am ever so thankful for YOU! :)

Maritez said...

And I am thankful that I have gotten to know you through your blog...and I am even more thankful that I get to meet you in just a few short days! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!