Relentless Journey
I may not have it all together, I know I'll never fathom all the truths, but I'm on a relentless journey- everyday growing closer to You.
Monday, July 30, 2012
more counting and a thought
Well I could muse on my need to have systems- set moments in life for.....all things I guess, but right now I am happy. I am happy with life, and the craziness of it all. I think I may even be embracing the "goodness" that Christ sees while wrestling with the fact that sin for now IS. This world will not be perfect until my Lord says its I must see the graces and the goodness he has laid out for me. It feels funny to start at 102, as though I have gone a whole year without noting or count or noticing....that is far from true I have lived IN those graces and yet for constancy....
102. Happy swimmers sloshing around
103. songs made up in worship, sung from the depths of her soul
104. running....and remembering I am His image bearer
105. recognizing a Husbands love
106. LIFE....
107. a cold Arnold Palmer
108. Tomato basil Jam
109. a cuddly dog
110. the blue of the sky
111. free bookshelves and a functional school room
112. the excitement to begin again
113. bike riding babies
114. a wiggly tooth
115. the contrast of orange and purple blooms
116. the view from my window
.....I could keep going but I think I will rest there.
I've been feeling called to talk about something, something my heart guards close. I think the Lord not only wants it spoken but for me to do it on Facebook. To BE HIS FORGIVEN DAUGHTER on facebook, not just here in the quiet but out loud. I feel scared, I know it will make me vulnerable. My only pause is the quiet thought that it might NOT be Him calling me but the condemnation surfacing... I'm praying for wisdom..
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Grace Upon Grace
The only reason I can grasp is that I am dust, and His Grace upon amazing Grace is that His very Word reminds me that He remembers He formed us from dust......ah ha. He knows I'm a dusty mess and loves me anyway......Grace, upon Grace.
so to the counting.....
91. a new school year begun
92. a new place of fellowship, that values both wisdom and the Gospel....I bathe in his Grace
93. A community, and family, a sisterhood that see through me, to the real me.
94. Knowing the Guide, as I let go of the need for guidance.....just walk WITH me Lord, let the fog roll as it may.
95. Tomato plants reaching the sky, and dripping in red sugar.
96. loud giggles
97. first narrations
98. musings from a three year old about how red is really NOT golden.
99. music that last generations and still causes tears to rise
100. lively chickens
101. all the Promises that contain His power if I just have Faith and Hope in His Love.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
some catching up todo...
36. A halo of light
37. cotton puff clouds
38. hula hoop
39. running hugs
40. opening the door to the smell of slow cooked goodness
41. 3 flowers blooming reminds of 3 children growing and finding their way
42. Neck wrapping warmth
43. Smiling spellers
44. Pull back racers created with love
45. Whirling colors
46. Robins egg skies
47. Bursts of Lavender braking traffics monotony
48. Warm eggs supported by smiling sheep
49. Twinkling eyes
50. Unexpected soul gifts
51. heaven breath though the long grass
52. Fields of yellow
53. Trees lovingly covered in soft burst of color- ruffles of life unfurling
54. Sproutlings; fresh and green
55. A quiet soul boon, I rouse
56. boisterous booming joyful bass voice- hidden, discovered, and wonderfully uncomfortable at times
57. the big-little, little-big In life, in relationships, in shared chins
58. pile of black gold
59. the feeling in the air -tender, soothing- is this His peace that passes understanding? Breath of new hope.
60. His loving mercy on a stubborn 81 year old- time left to know Him yet because He wants that non should parish so He allows her time to terry....
61. understanding the cost of EACH blowup is ALWAYS too great, His grace to cover when I loose it anyway
62. sprouts
66. an empty dumpster full...willing hands working in love
67. the word a 4 year olds version of the doxology
68. Children screaming BIBLE so loud my ears ring
69. Sharing my way of life with SO many amazing families, doing our best at Living the Titus 2 way
70. A night of praise
71. Bodies strong enough to fight sickness
72. Warm babies to snuggle- even if it's fever induced
73. a husbands understanding that the most important things DO get done daily
74. the excitement of a fresh reader
75. The vocabulary of thanks becoming common off their tongues and mine
76. kids that match in clothing and demeanor
77. gnomes
78. movie nights, and warm fires
79. mid afternoon coffee, a jolt to strive on
80. serving...humbly, honestly
81. Books that change things
82. Words that never return void.
83. a tidy house
84. fresh breeze
85. glasses fixed
86. Radishes nearing the first harvest
87. fire engine red dining chairs
88. a finger puppet show
89. a ring to remind, Be Anxious of NOTHING... life is NOT an emergency
...and there in the list He's met me again....restored by His blessing, humbled in thanksgiving.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
a list of 10....
26. words finally spoken
27. the thought of my own rainbow making chickens
28. the smell of fresh brewed coffee
29. sun beams through wisps of hair
30. living in a time when 30 miles isn't very far at all
31. Happy eyes
32. knowing I'm not only saved through Grace but JUSTIFIED.....forgiven+restored.
33. Pink blossoms on trees
34. girl-scout cookies, and COLD milk
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Bounty of Just Enough....
How many times have I said I was broke, flat can even buy gas broke?
How many times have my eyes glazed over, as I held gratitude captive and invited envy in, and sat down to a too full plate with greed?
How often have I missed the blessing of Just Enough?
More times then I can count money has run tight, the fridge and the cupboards so stark they look more like a cavern of white, and for a moment I forget to breath.
Oh, I've had to lean heavy on the bounty of just enough.
Like a parade, one roasted chicken stretches into 3 meals. I find fresh air, and inhale. Children giggle; happy and content with what they find here- both tangible and not, and my God promising....I will provide.....I will bless......with the bounty and over abundance of Just Enough. I can see the fullness here. In this moment there is bounty.
He promises this to me as an unseen blessing, as a love offering because He, my maker knows.....too much makes my eyes wavier, makes my stomach hunger for things untasted, makes my wits and soul song dim. When I am full by the worlds standards I forget the blessing of breath, I forget that I'm always going to be uncomfortable here, because this world is not my home. I stop longing for home.
I forget my need of HIM,
I forget my thanksgiving,
I forget the mini-miracles,

the MANY gifts:
21. sunlight bent through rounded glass
22. perspective, and watching it shift towards Grace....fullness....
23. children hiking a snow topped mountain
24. chubby toes, small brightly colored nails
25. seeing that just enough is a keep your eyes on ME love offering, not a withholding.
...Just enough.....
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Would you dare to Believe?
Would you dare to believe? Would I dare to believe?
The opener was Josh Wilson....and he sang.....
...My friend, you know how this all ends
and you know where you're going,
you just don't know how you get there
so just say a prayer.
and hold on, cause there's good who love God,
life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
but you'll see the bigger picture.....
11. A snow dusted mountain view from my own backyard
12. Tortilla wrapped goodness that filled my belly, with a side of friendship that filled my soul.
13. Soft inviting cheeks that wiggle when mama is uttered in baby talk that lingers even as 3 is approaching.
14. The thought that tending anything takes patience and sweat to see growth, and toil as we may the final fruit comes only by Gods hand.
15. Fresh turned soil on a sunny day.
16. Bits of paper love spread about in a prism of colors and shapes ( how have I missed the goodness in this perseverance and tiny love offerings?!?)
17. An arm offered for comfort- first steps.
18. Laughter! Oh the splendor of variation and sound! Giddy, goofy, boisterous, contagious, snorting, even silent found only in the twinkling of the eyes- all so beautiful fluid and life filling.
19. Long dark eyelashes batting, pulling, suckering me in
20. A wisp of weeds left for a ladybug haven and spot hunting and the squeals of joy as spots are counted. "A Six spotter mom!!!"
all your pain will fade to memory....
Friday, February 18, 2011
Five in the midst....
so here are my five for the day so far in the midst of chaos, but my guess is God in His goodness will give me more as the day settles....
6. Hot cocoa on cold days....warms little cool hearts as well as bellies
7. The privilege to Home school my children- which on days like today means the opportunity to educate and train their hearts as well as minds.
8. PRAYER- it's power, its healing, it's direct connect to my Savior and life source
9. My new to-do list rules- No more then 10 things in a day to focus on, pick 3 Most Important Things- be satisfied if those 3 get done, even if the other 7 don't. Leave room for life and the wonderful people who you choose to fill it with.
10. MATTHEW WEST! tonight I get to unwind with a few of my closest friends and praise my maker....after this week of motherhood trench work, after FINALLY seeing the blessings in all of life.....I can't wait to lift my hands to my maker as my spirit bows low....