I may not have it all together, I know I'll never fathom all the truths, but I'm on a relentless journey- everyday growing closer to You.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Knee Deep
....a flood, a torrent. Like the ocean emotions ebb and flow.
What if the under currents take you off course? If you get sucked under them before you even realize you are knee deep?
Pulled, towed to an unknown land. Hard to breathe, harder still to understand the language of the unsaid. Yet here you stand.
Knee Deep
Here's your chance to put it all to the test- to walk your talk even if no one understands, to let go, to toss out the umbrellas that keep you from getting wet, to feel the mist on your cheeks; yet surrender to the only pull that matters.
Knee Deep
this time you can see you are in Living Waters. A place you don't fully understand. A place that asks you to build Arks- while scoffers laugh. A place where there are those waiting to feed you to lions that sleep instead of feed. A place that says nothing is impossible and falling forward is a requirement. A place where the sting of sin smothers but because Love DID what was promised and overcame new breath WILL come.
Knee Deep
Your life is on the line choose to be more then an ever changing ebb and flow. Don't just test the waters; be swept up in Him. Rest in Him. Drink deep from His all sustaining well. Step in deeper....Dive.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Words to encourage.
Words of truth.
That is my gift. That is my blessing. Wonderful colorfully spun usage of the English language. Things to make your heart soar into it's makers grasp....to up lift.
What if truth sometimes tears down? What if it unravels the linen? What is it is the final blow on a fragile pot?
What if you can not find them? What if there is no one to speak them? What if the one who can, won't.
Oh, words...
Those you long to say, long to take back, long to use to heal, to encourage, to uplift...what if they get lost in translation? what if they are used to deceive?
Sweet lack of words...
Such ache, such brokenness, such time lost. To much to cover with simple words.
His words, "I will never leave you or forsake you, I am your strong tower, I am NOT the father of confusion, but of peace. I have a plan and I knew even this. There is no condemnation, for I am Love"
His words fuel me, comfort me, sooth me, guide me on. I can not trust mans words- nor my own tongue to always choose right. I am an unraveled linen, a lump of clay without His breath or
His words...
They are all that matters, they will bring healing, restoration, and peace. They are so much more then mere
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Marks of the True Christian
9Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
14Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." 20To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:9-21
.....is this us? Can the world find this in us? Do we strive to wear these marks?
Give me the strength to always bear these marks so they shall know I am YOURS alone.
Let my cares fall on Your shoulders so I can focus on doing Your work in Your way.
Let thoughts of me and my comfort fade and let me not be distracted by my foolish pride and personal glory
That the world will see that I bare the mark of Your resurrection.
That I am new, because of who You are. That all that is within me shouts of Your glory.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
an Engulfing Journey
I mean He always is, BUT wow. I am seeing HIM manifested SO VERY clearly.
See I've recently witnessed a mountain move. A HUGE Alpine of a mountain and now I am able to bask fully in the splendid overwhelming view of the fountain of Living Water.
...I know back to me and the Water. I seem to always come back. So thirsty, filled with the only kind of gluttony that's worth anything....I want to drink Him in. Fully, filling, I want to Burst through this flesh and show Him.
I'm not scared to submit now. Contrary to what you may believe that hasn't always been the case. I was timid, I was parched, I was squelched- my bones were dry, and my flesh too absorbing. I was lukewarm and LOVED my fake control. Maybe not at any point you knew me, but I was.
On this fervent journey He's been pouring out BUCKETS full of helpful suplements. Bits to energize me as I stride on towards Him and the fountian of sustaining water. Deep calling out to DEEP.
He calls as I run- Taste and See....I taste, and like a nursing child I can hardly breath as I drink His goodness.
I am so fervent in fact that I often stumble- worse I cause my fellow runners to trip. Its not because I mean too, not because I forget my course- but because I am caught off guard by the distractions and hurdles in this world. I take my eyes off my final destination and get too comfortable Here. But, the journey is far from over. This world is not my home. like David so often laments in psalm I realize what just happened, and the water He so freely filled me with flows from my eyes and before I know it His hands are there, His helpers are there, and I am back first on my knees (oh this is a gloriously humbling place to be) then back on track.
His Water is always calling. I am always thirsty for Him, and hungry for His word.
As I run today, uncertain of His plans BUT sure He's going to use me and my house in His service I find I'd like to share a few supplements that have helped clarify the Path set before me. They have restored my Hope and vision.....
What the real witnesses of Christ really do
Crazy Love (and Francis Chans podcasts)
Jesus of Suburbia
Family Driven Faith ( and other Voddie podcasts)
and the music, Oh the music. That alone could fill a post but I think this song sums it up tonight Hosanna
"I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees"
Oh there is so much more. This journey is so much more then most of us American travelers let it be. Drink deeply from His well, run to His word. Be Hungry. Stay hungry, and don't ever let your heart become satisfied with less then He wants to give, but be content.
Again. He calls as I run- Taste and See....I taste, and like a nursing child I can hardly breath as I drink His goodness. Deep calling out to deep.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Small unknowing hands are to blame; a moment filled with frenzy. The peace has been broken.
My eyes dart around as I seek a way to restore, to remove the chaos.
the echos in this moment become clear to me.
In motherhood I see Calvary.
small unknowing people.....
Eloi, Eloi.....broken.....the scriptures fulfilled.
I begin to softly cry. The bickering stops- all turn to me. Eyes glare at each other. All are placing the blame for the tears on each other. A moment lost, or not
I grab my small ones near me. Restoration is needed. They don't understand my grief; they are focused on eggs, and hurt- I on a cross 2000 years old.
I cover the moment in a prayer as I dab my eyes....the water....
I begin running water. As they wait for my next move the small ones look around and find each other broken. Hurt fills the room.
Soap is added, the bowl is filled.....slosh....the rag dips in and their attention is back on me.
They are silent, curious, full of wonder. This is different. Their ears are ready to listen as I reach for a foot. They forget the hurt of broken eggs and allow me to bring them to the only One that matters.....
The Living Water.
Servant of man.
By His blood we are clean.
John 13: 8b
Yolk exposed.
In all my life there have never been more beautiful eggs.
Monday, March 29, 2010
.... the weeks I've missed blogging and spent living,
and for remembering my need of connection and reflection
For cute tummies,
and amazing soul feeding Christ centered friendships
For a husbands devotion, tender unsure prayers and love,
and wall crashing big dreams; for a Lord who can make it all possible
For children who come, with eyes filled with tears seeking prayer,
and the gift of spending each day with the 3 most amazing people I know
For weeks of sunshine,
and days of rest
For hindering them not at the foot of the Cross,
and remembering the week that changed EVERYTHING,
For a gift so amazing it brings me to my knees and my soul to my Father,
and soul tears shed for the Mother that watched MY savior, her baby be crucified
For quiet, big prayer closet filled moments,
and broken lives made new.
For a family that's been changed,
and Grace that's new each morning.
For You oh Lord I am Grateful, because of You I am blessed.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I can Only Imagine...
Last night I witnessed His spirit flow freely. There was no sermon- no one who spent years in seminary uncovering truths I can not fathom. Yet my eyes glistened and I felt His spirit more deeply the I could have imagined.
Who could of imagined a group of 2- 12 year olds could be so full of Him? The one that made them. The one that saved them.
He could.
They asked Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” “Yes,” Jesus replied. “Haven’t you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, ‘You have taught children and infants to give you praise. -Mathew 21:16
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Mathew 19:4
.... our homeschool group had a presentation night. Some of the children tagged it a show off night and for me- I think they were right. They were showing off Our Father- His blessings, His love, the wonders of His creation.
They sang the old hymns, they recited the Scriptures, they showed that they have wisdom beyond their years, and they amazed us with their deft fingers on ivory keys, silver flutes, and bow strings. Oh yes He was there and He was praised.
Psalms 139 written across a heart, The Lords prayer closing their thoughts, fellowship, grace and love.
He was there. I was blessed.
As one brilliant duet belted out "I can Only Imagine"....
I can only imagine.
they are a reward from him.
Psalms 127:3
Saturday, February 13, 2010
If Necessary use words....
My friends are sweet enough to call me verbose, but really I'm gabby and oh so LOUD. If I'm happy I talk. If I'm mad I talk. If I'm nervous...you got it... I talk. I am a natural born talker. I will ALWAYS favor the long story (as a listener too), I go off on millions of tangents, and I admit that I often get so excited in a course of conversation that I am so rude as to interrupt. I love to talk.
I think this love of English language stems from me being an extrovert, and highly relationship driven. I want to know more about you, and I want you to understand me. I have yet to find ways that accomplish this so well as talking- but I am trying.
Sometimes my words don't serve me well.
That was the case with my husband for years. I talked; he shuts down. This happened in our mundane daily life, and in my testimony of Faith. For those of you that have stuck with me through my blog droughts you remember that 2009 was the year I dedicated to praying fervently for him. I stopped talking, and nagging and started praying. I prayed fervently for him, I still do and God has answered me in huge ways. MY Faith in the Father to do what HE promises has changed my husband, my marriage and effectively my life. I wish I felt comfortable sharing more of his faith journey with you, but I feel strongly that that is another space in my life where me (and my fingers) need to be quiet for now....after all this is not his faith blog ;)
I will say that our God cracks me up. The ways he's touched my husbands heart are things that I could NEVER have come up with on my own. The one point I will share as an example of this- my husband says he'd like to get into the Word more on his own, I stop talking and start praying, He's not making the time, I pray more, and poof he's doing the PowerPoint's for our churches Sunday service (pastors full notes, scripture cross referencing and all). Is that an amazing God or what??!?!?
The way my life has changed by praying more and talking less is astounding. My voice box aches less and my prayer closet is visited more. I know I still over explain and talk more then my share but we are all masterpieces in progress, and I KNOW Gods not finished with me yet. So I take the little victories and rejoice as if they were huge- because the reality is that for me they are.
I think St. Francis realized a fundamental truth with he said "Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words."